I'm an artist, writer and cartoonist, the author of four heavily illustrated memoir/internal-travelogue books - Is Shane MacGowan Still Alive (Flamingo), The Groundater Diaries (4th Estate), Small Town England (Ebury Press) and A London Country Diary (Icon Books). Currently at the research/walking stage of a new travel book.
I've worked as an illustrator and cartoonist for When Saturday Comes magazine since 1990 and also done lots of graphic stuff for The Guardian and The Observer along with various newspapers and publishers (book covers etc).
In the rest of the available time I create wang-eyed pop art paintings and have had several solo exhibitions. The rest of the time is spent tramping the streets of London looking for musical instruments, old bookshops or lost rivers, or hanging out with the kids, or touring the Midwest of the USA as part of a fictional country-folk duo.